Friday, August 15, 2008


The other day we went to Dome in Juffair, one of our fav cafes. As it was most likely to be the last time we went there before leaving for Dubai, I thought we should take some photos. Lilli offered to do the job, and between her and the staff, she created this little expose. The black and white newspaper format has 'helped' a few of the photos :-)

The staff at Dome are wonderful and were perfectly patient and encouraging with Lilli. Apart from the fantastic staff and spacious environment Dome is the only place in Bahrain that I have been to where you can ask for a flat white and they know what you are talking about. It is also very kid friendly.

The food is good too. We particularly like the antipasto.


Well, despite not being 5 yet, Lilli has lost her first tooth! It happened quite quickly and I was a little bit worried that maybe she had bumped it to make it loose. But no, there is a brand new big tooth coming up the rear.
I hear on the grapevine that the tooth fairy was a bit unprepared - apparently she would have liked to have left shiny new coins or notes + a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Never mind - Lilli was thrilled with the manky old notes.