Monday, May 26, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Tim is currently working towards his PADI certificate along with the Xynias'. He is almost up to his first sea water dive. In the meantime the classes are being conducted in our [apartment] pool.

Lilli get's in on the act with her ''dive''.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Lilli's school held a book week this month. On the last day of the week the children were encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character. So many children came dressed for the parade - it was fantastic!

When the question of her favourite book character was posed Lilli's initial response was the whale from the story 'Snail and the Whale', followed by baby Jesus from 'The Story of Christmas'. In the end we decided on going as a mermaid from one of her mermaid books. I designed and had made up the top and tail - it looked great. All the accessories came from the local 600fils ($1.80) shop. She had a lovely time but was quite miffed that she didn't win a prize. The Gruffalo won in her class.
Mermaid Lilli and Cinderella Lise in the parade.

The mermaid face make up was fun to do and looked fantastic (IMHO)

Mermaid Lilli in a mermaid pose.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


This is a painting I did for Moose for his birthday.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

MOTHER'S DAY all those mutherz out there, but especially my mine. I love you very much X