Leaving was a lot harder than expected. Of course I was not ready - bags were not packed, and a lot of last minute 'things-to-do', not done. Anxiety attacks and the sudden realisation that I would not be seeing so many lovely friends for possibly a very long time. Last minute news that the house was rented was a blessing and so was my dad who managed the lions share of the packing and cleaning up after we had already left - thanks dad.
Lilli's graduation (see pic) was a rushed affair as I had left home without paying the removalists who had finished soon after I left and were waiting for my return - possibly made it easier as it was so sad to say goodbye to all the fabulous women who had taken such wonderful care of Lilli for over half of her life.
Saying goodbye to Tessie Woo was heartbreaking - she has been such a great little companion over the past few months that Tim was away. I always felt safe and comforted in the house when she was around. It was very hard to leave her. Lilli offered some light relief by asking me not to cry and to take a few deep breaths (our suggestion for her when she is upset).
The Emirates business class lounge was bliss - initially. Very tasteful and sooo quiet and peaceful. This was disrupted somewhat by Lilli doing 360's both by running and crawling - sound effects added to my pain. I had a 6 hour respite on the plane as she slept, and then it started up all over again - in the seat. By the time we arrived in Dubai, and with less than 4 hours sleep over 72 hours, the happy family reunion wasn't quite what I pictured it to be. Tim, bless his little cotton socks, made a dramatic attempt to greet us by vaulting over the barrier when he saw us coming - unfortunately though, he sprained (or broke) his middle toe which Lilli has been stepping on ever since. It was lovely to see each other though.
Usually if I'm a bit behind reading a blog I will start at the bottom and work my way up. I don't know why I went in reverse order for this one! I'm *so into* all things travel and food so I loved reading this post. My heart strings were tugged reading about pulling the roller blinds down on your life here in Australia and then heading off to your new life in Bahrain. I have said goodbye's like this before too. How wonderful of your Dad to tie up the loose ends after you left.. We all need people like that in our life who are there and willing to do stuff like that. Sorry to hear about Tim's toe.. How is it?